Single versus Dual or Split Supply Power Sources using Batteries explained Learning Electronics Lesson 0025

Split (aka. Dual) power supplies have both a positive and negative supply voltage in relationship to ground.

Single versus dual or split power supply using batteries pictorial by electronzap
Single versus dual or split power supply using batteries pictorial by electronzap

Batteries can be easily wired to make a Dual/Split power source.  They are also the easiest type to understand.

The chemical cells of batteries can only provide voltage and current in one direction.

However, when cells are connected in series, you can then add an output terminal from the middle of those series cells for 3 total power supply terminals.

A load can then see about half of the supply voltage as being more positive, and/or half of the supply voltage being more negative than that middle terminal.

When wired in that way, the middle terminal becomes ground. That is where the circuits end their electric journey as far as circuit analysis is concerned.


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