TV is too loud and too quiet while watching something

Sometimes I am watching something where the music and sound effects are a lot louder than the talking. Constantly having to adjust the volume.

To fix that problem, using my Visio smart TV remote control, I…

  1. Pressed “Menu” button.
  2. Scrolled to highlight “Audio”, and then clicked OK.
  3. Scrolled to highlight “Volume Leveling”, and clicked OK.
  4. Scrolled to “On” and clicked OK.
  5. Pressed exit button to remove the menu display from the screen.

Which did make the music/sound effects a lot closer to the talking volume of the show I was streaming.

Life tips

Some of my life tips, in no particular order.

Remove useless social media posts, comments, etc.

Jokes or opinions may benefit you in the short term. But, people digging up dirt on you will look through everything you have ever shared and try to use them against you.

  • Facebook: While on my laptop on 5/2/2022, I clicked the following.
    • Your profile (upside triangle icon, upper right corner of webpage) → Setting and Privacy → Activity log → Comments (or other option that you want to clean up)

Add Social Media Posts Likely to Benefit You.

  • Share your skills.

Don’t work too hard:

More work usually equals more money. Which is good if you are careful. However, there are some issues to keep in mind if you are working harder than you can sustain for a long time.

  1. More taxes:
    • As income goes up, a larger percentage of that income is taxed.
    • If you are paying more to make more, but can’t deduct those expenses, then you not only spent that money, but paid taxes on it to do so. Some examples are given next.
  2. More expenses:
    • If you get a loan for a more expensive vehicle and housing, simply because you have more money, then you will likely need to keep making that much, even if you don’t want to work that hard anymore.
    • A longer commute to a better paying job, still means more gas consumed, vehicle wear and tear, and lost time.
  3. Divorce:
    • If you make a lot of money around the time of a divorce, then you will likely have to give a certain percentage of that money to a spouse for a long time. Even if your income goes down.

Develop Your Skill Set:

Odds are that as an adult, you need to be a productive member of society. There are many ways to be a productive member of society, but they all depend on gaining skills at some point.

More to come!

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Managing Credit Card Debt Tips

For whatever reason, you borrowed money with a credit card and need to pay it down before the interest get’s out of control.

I am currently in that situation right now, so I figured I would share what I am learning.

These are just tips. Everybody’s situation is different. Always evaluate your own situation, and determine if someone else’s tips will be good or bad solutions for solving your problems before implementing them.

Highest interest rate card:

It’s important to know which credit card has the highest interest rate.

  • Avalanche Method: Paying extra on the highest interest rate card in order to lower the monthly amount of interest you have to pay.

The amount of interest you pay is noted on the card’s billing statement.

Lowest balance card:

It may help psychologically to have one less card to worry about as soon as possible.

  • Snowball method: Paying extra on the lowest balance card, while paying the minimum on the other cards.

Balance transfer:

A new or existing card may have an offer to charge a low interest rate on any balance you transfer to it from another card.

Direct Deposit:

A direct deposit actually increases your debt. But, you might get cash quickly at a low introductory interest rate.

Ideally, that cash will be used to pay down a high interest card as soon as the next bill is due.

Direct deposit has been a much simpler process for me than balance transfers. However, many cards charge a high interest rate on direct deposits. So, I only use it when it has a relatively low interest rate.

Improve your credit score:

The better your credit score, the better offers you will receive.

More to come!

I hope you have enjoyed what I added so far. I will be adding more content later.

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Manospheres are primarily where men give advice to other men over the internet. Keep in mind that some individuals give horrible advice. Whereas other individuals are unfairly targeted for being part of a Manosphere.

This site will only focus on giving positive advice.

Why the Focus on men?:

Most men have very few, if any, safety nets to fall into if things go wrong. It is important that they avoid as many set backs as possible.

They can easily dig themselves into a hole that is impossible to get out of.

The good news is that most guys still end up being successful in life through hard work and learning to make good decision.

Basic goals:

These are listed in no particular order, and many topics will overlap. Prioritize the one(s) most needed at any given time. I plan to add a post for most of them in the future.

  • Living within your means.
  • Personal care.
  • Job application skills.
  • Gaining valuable skills.
  • Being able to do google (and other) researches effectively.
  • Self defense. Physical and legal.
  • Prepare for common false accusations.
  • Engage in fulfilling hobbies.
  • Don’t make sacrifices to impress others.
  • Preparing for the future and/or disaster.
  • Build healthy relationship.
  • Avoid toxic relationships.
  • Realize that you can’t change others.
  • Recognize relationship red flags.
  • Get a good credit score.

Other topics:

Topics I feel are important for men to learn about. Hopefully the bad ones never come up in your life, but it is good to have a strategy to deal with them if they do. I plan to add a post for most of them in the future.

  • Foodie call.
  • Personality disorders.
    1. Narcissism.
  • Projection.
  • Gaslighting.
  • Controlling people/Control freaks.
    1. Demand to know things about others.
    2. Intentionally humiliate others.
    3. Coercive control.
  • Dealing with people that interrogate you.
    1. Social undermining.
  • Getting married is much easier than getting divorced.
  • Prepping.
    1. Increase your self sufficiency as you can afford to do so.
    2. Have entertaining activities ready for short term power loss.
    3. Don’t assume that isolated incidents are likely to happen to you.

Manosphere is a new topic for this website! It will be updated over time.

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