Brief Switch based AND Logic Gate Circuit

AND logic gates require that all inputs are high/on in order for the output to be high/on.

Switch based AND gate for learning electronics lesson 0044 by electronzap
Switch based AND gate for learning electronics lesson 0044 by electronzap

If at least one input is low/off, then the output is off.

  • Closed switch = on.
  • Open switch = off.

This is a really easy logic gate to make with mechanical switches for demonstration purposes. Practical circuits will most likely use an AND gate integrated circuit.

Current is the same through all series components. So, if no current can flow through one part of the circuit, then it can’t flow through any other part of the series circuit.

If all of the series switches are closed, then current can flow through them freely and the load will have the full voltage across it. The load and the supply voltage will be what sets the current through all series components while all series switches are closed.


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