Brief PNP BJT Emitter Follower Common Collector 2N3906 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Simple PNP BJT emitter follower bipolar junction transistor common collector circuit schematic diagram by electronzap electronzapdotcom
Simple PNP BJT emitter follower bipolar junction transistor common collector circuit schematic diagram by electronzap electronzapdotcom

For a PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) emitter follower set by a trimpot voltage divider.

  • Trimpot sets the voltage to the PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor Base terminal.
  • Emitter voltage is approx. 0.6V higher than the voltage set at the base.
  • Vcc minus Emitter voltage is across the 10k resistor and the load. The 10k resistor may not be needed, but some loads will throw off the voltage without it.


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