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Monostable 555 timer has a low output that is stable. The output will stay low, once it is low, as long as the circuit is undisturbed.

The trigger pin has to receive a low signal voltage in order to set the output high. And then after that, the high output only lasts as long as the time set by the capacitor and it’s charging resistor.
After the time set by the capacitor and resistor, the output returns to low. And then it stays low, until the next low pulse to the trigger pin restarts the process.
The high time is calculated by multiplying the capacitance in Farads by the Resistance in Ohms, and then multiplying that result by 1.1.
- C x R x 1.1 = time in seconds.
That gives you an approximation of seconds that it will stay high after a low pulse.
Brief Circuit Schematics with Short Video List of Pages
Assorted integrated circuits (ICs) kit. Included is the NE555 timers and other commonly known ICs. I have previously covered some of the other ICs in YouTube videos. It is an Affiliate link ad that supports this channel.
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